
Renewable Energy / Photovoltaics - Interview with Christoph Hauser

The best energy is the one that is not consumed ...

... and yet energy is needed to produce important medical products.

The use of sustainable energy played an important role for managing director Burrhus Lang even before the crisis in order to reduce the company's ecological footprint. Leonhard Lang relies on independent energy generation through photovoltaics and erected the first plant with 78 kWp in 2018. The second plant with 75 kWp then followed in 2022 and the construction of a further plant with 350 kWp has been commissioned at the beginning of 2023.

In the course of the new construction on the site of plant 2, the installation of a really large photovoltaic system, which covers the entire roof and large parts of the facade, is then planned. Thus, in combination with groundwater for heating and cooling purposes, we want to create further independence in the field of energy supply.

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